Cam Cairns

Love all things data. Experience in data engineering, model building and development, machine learning, data viz, automation and model deployment

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A Python Watchdog with Threaded Queuing

06 Sep 2017 » python

So here’s something cool I made this afternoon at work. Currently I am building an ETL pipeline that ingests some god-awful proprietary software data format type, decodes it into something useful, performs a number of validation and cleansing steps and then loads it into a speedy columnar database ready for some interesting analysis to be done. Once in production this pipeline will be handling 100’s of individual files (each will be loaded as it’s own separate table), ranging in sizes from 10MB through to ~0.5TB.

The database, while having a pretty damn fast write speed, doesn’t seem to handle lots of concurrent write processes too well (if the DB is hit too hard it will rollback one or all jobs complaing of concurrency conflicts). For a robustness there is a real need to serialize the database load component of the pipeline. However we obviously don’t want to constrain the entire ETL pipeline to a single process (the database load is only one of many processes that will utilise the transformed data). What we really need is a way to decouple the extract-transform from the load…

Enter our Watchdog powered job queue

The basic idea of the jobs queue is that we set up a background process to monitor a directory for changes. When a data set is ready to be loaded into the database a trigger file will be created in the directory. This triggers the watchdog to place a load job in a waiting queue

There are three key libraries that are used in our watchdog jobs queue:

  • watchdog
  • threading
  • Queue

I havn’t used the Python watchdog library before but it’s pretty slick. It’s a Python api layered over one of a number of watchdog tools depending on the OS you’re using. All these tools detect changes in a directory structure and then perform a set action when a change is detected (for instance if a file is modified do X; if it is deleted do Y).

The threading and queue libraries provides a high level interface to manage threads. Threading is one approach to achieving parallelism and concurrency in Python (the other major one being multiprocessing). Given our jobs queue will be lightweight and memory non-intensive a thread is the perfect option. Queues operate as the conduits through which threads (or processes) communicate.

The code is in a git repo here with a simple working example.

So lets walk through the code. Lets start with the main bit, here we instantiate a Queue object, a thread object and run it in daemon (detached) mode and instantiate a watchdog. Lastly we place a poll that waits for a ctrl-C kill command and if it recieves one shuts everything down gracefully.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # create queue
    watchdog_queue = Queue()

    # Set up a worker thread to process database load
    worker = Thread(target=process_load_queue, args=(watchdog_queue,))

    # setup watchdog to monitor directory for trigger files
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    patt = ["*.trigger"]
    event_handler = SqlLoaderWatchdog(watchdog_queue, patterns=patt)
    observer = Observer()
    observer.schedule(event_handler, path=args[0] if args else '.')

        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:


Next, we define a define a watchdog class. This class inherits from the Watchdog PatternMatchingEventHandler class. In this code our watchdog will only be triggered if a file is moved to have a .trigger extension. Once triggered the watchdog places the event object on the queue, ready to be picked up by the worker thread (described below).

class SqlLoaderWatchdog(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
    ''' Watches a nominated directory and when a trigger file is 
        moved to take the ".trigger" extension it proceeds to execute 
        the commands within that trigger file.

        Intended to be run in the background
        and pickup trigger files generated by other ETL process

    def __init__(self, queue, patterns):
        PatternMatchingEventHandler.__init__(self, patterns=patterns)
        self.queue = queue

    def process(self, event):
            'modified' | 'created' | 'moved' | 'deleted'
            True | False

    def on_moved(self, event):

For a database load the contents of the trigger file looks something like this:

include trigger file contents

Lastly we define a worker thread. The worker thread is intended to be a backgrounded (daemon) process running indefinitely so we use an always true while statement. The worker thread then “polls” the queue every second, checking if any jobs have been placed on it by the watchdog process.

When it detects a job on the queue it pulls it off and proceeds to run the bash command in a shell (using the subprocess library). In our example with is a CLI command to load the data into the database

def process_load_queue(q):
    '''This is the worker thread function. It is run as a daemon 
       threads that only exit when the main thread ends.

         q:  Queue() object
    while True:
        if not q.empty():
            event = q.get()
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            print "{0} -- Pulling {1} off the queue ...".format(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), event.dest_path)
            log_path = "/path/to/logging.txt"
            with open(log_path, "a") as f:
                f.write("{0} -- Processing {1}...\n".format(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), 
            # read the contents of the trigger file
            cmd = "cat {0} | while read command; do $; done >> {1} 2>&1".format(event.dest_path, log_path)
  , shell=True)

            # once done, remove the trigger file
            # log the operation has been completed successfully
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            with open(log_path, "a") as f:
                f.write("{0} -- Finished processing {1}...\n".format(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), event.dest_path))

And that’s it! Check out the simple working example here that illustrates these principles (though instead of a database load it simply echos the contents of the trigger file).

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